The Second Edition of Mixtape Massacre with updated mechanics and components, PLUS a brand New Expansion, Minis, and more.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
48 Hours Left for Surveys! / Status Updates
over 3 years ago
– Wed, May 19, 2021 at 10:13:17 AM
A reminder that this Friday, May 21st, is the FINAL DAY to edit your orders. After Friday, orders will be locked and you will not be able to add to or edit your current order. We are 89% complete in terms of orders, with 160 people who have not answered their surveys. Please complete your orders in the next two days.
Can't Find My Survey
If your survey hasn't arrived in your Inbox (for whatever reason), you can use this link to recover it. Just enter the email you used for Kickstarter: LOST SURVEY LINK
Important Dates
Below are the upcoming important dates
The time to provide names for Rulebooks has Closed
Surveys Close / Orders Locked (no more editing or adding to your order) - May21st
Credit Cards Will Be Charged by Bright Light Media - May 25th
Estimated Fulfillment Date / Rewards Shipping - December 15th(this is an estimate and may change due to manufacturing issues)
Important Note About Credit Card Charges
An important note concerning credit cards. Last Kickstarter we had 3 people report their credit cards being charged by Bright Light Media (us) as fraud. This not only resulted in hurting us, as we pay fees for those issues, but it also resulted in those backers not receiving their rewards.
If you see a charge on your card for Bright Light Media, we assure you it is us, and it is for your Kickstarter rewards.
Quick Project Status
Some quick updates concerning the project:
Plastics have all been sent off for molding (knives, dice, minis) - we should begin seeing samples soon.
All print files are currently going through one last proofing process before being sent off to print
If you have any questions, please feel free to message us on here OR send us an e-mail through our BackerKit Support Page.
-- Freddie, Matt, & MJ
LAST DAY for Rulebook Names
over 3 years ago
– Fri, May 14, 2021 at 02:09:07 PM
Currently surveys are at 85% complete. If you are one of the 15% who have not completed their survey,you have 1 week left to complete your surveys.
Rulebook Names
For those adding your name to therulebook, TODAYIS THE FINAL DAY to complete your surveys and orders if you want your name included in the rulebook.
Everyone Else
Next Friday,May 21st, will be the last day foranyone to complete your surveys and orders.All credit cards will be charged on May 25th (no exceptions). You will not be able to edit your order or add items after this day (no exceptions). We also cannot provide any refunds, so if you haven't completed order, or pledged for no rewards, we cannot refund that money, SO PLEASE, complete your surveys so you receive rewards.
Changing Addresses
You will still be able to change your address up until 2 weeks before we ship rewards, so do not worry if you address changes over the next few months. Only your order will be locked.
If you have any additional questions concerning BackerKit or the Surveys, you can also always look at previous updated or get Kickstarter Support here.
Have a great weekend everyone.
-- Freddie, Matt, & MJ
81% of Surveys Complete / Mini Preview
over 3 years ago
– Tue, May 11, 2021 at 04:43:39 PM
Currently surveys are at 81% complete, which is great after 1 week. But that still means 19% of you have no completed your survey. The sooner we are able to complete this, the sooner we can provide our manufacturer final quantities, so please, if you haven't completed your survey, try to make it a priority soon.
Currently backers have 2 weeks left to complete their surveys.
For those adding your name to rulebook, you have until this Friday to complete your surveys and orders if you want your name included.
Remember, your credit cards will be charged on May 25th.
If you have any additional questions concerning BackerKit or the Surveys, our last two updates cover FAQs and a Step-By-Step Guide, so please check those out. You can also always get Kickstarter Support here.
Now how about we show off the models for the last 3 minis included in your Mini Packs...
Mini Preview
If you haven't been following us on our social channels, you may have missed these reveals of the last 3 minis included in your mini packs. That raises our mini pack to 13 minis. Introducing, Kirk, Linda, and Linda's mean side...
That's going to do it for this update. Let's get those surveys completed and keep this project moving!
Happy Monday, Slashers!
-- Freddie, Matt, & MJ
BackerKit, Surveys, and FAQs
over 3 years ago
– Mon, May 03, 2021 at 05:15:54 PM
We're currently sitting at 51% complete in terms of surveys which is awesome for them only being available for alittle over 24 hours. We've had a few questions from a couple backers, so we've compiled this e-mail concerning add-ons, credit card charges, and important dates...
Can't Find My Survey
If your survey hasn't arrived in your Inbox (for whatever reason), you can use this link to recover it. Just enter the email you used for Kickstarter: LOST SURVEY LINK
Stretch Goals
We've had a couple people ask us if they need to add the Red Dice or Supplies to their orders. The quick answer is NO. If you backed any reward level that was $49 or more (Director's Cut tier or higher) those are included in your shipment for free. BUT, if you wish to add extras to your order, or you may have backed a lower tier (Minis or No Rewards), we put those in the Add-On Section so you could add them your order.
Credit Card Charges
We've had a few people write thinking their card has been charged, or might be charged twice. If you're using a Credit Card, your card will not be charged until May25th. If you make changes, the system just sends you an e-mail confirmation showing those changes. It isn't an actual invoice or receipt, just a confirmation. We will send another update when Surveys close (May21st) and when we charge credit cards (May 25th).
If you are using PayPal, you are charged immediately. If you add anything additional, you'll only be charged for those additions or changes, nothing else.
Shipping / Add-Ons
We've had a few people write us saying their credit for their add-on isn't working. What's really happening is when you're going to confirm you're seeing the shipping charges for all your rewards. As noted during Kickstarter, shipping is the only thing we did not charge during Kickstarter as it is weight based, so we had to wait until we did surveys to charge it. So any additional costs or balance you're seeing when you go to check out are either additional add-ons you added to your order, or your shipping.
Since a few folks have asked, here are the important dates to remember (one more time for the folks in the back):
Last day to provide your name for the rulebook - May14th
Surveys Close (no more editing or adding to your order) - May21st
Credit Cards Get Charged by Bright Light - May 25th
Estimated Fulfillment Date / Rewards Shipping - December 15th(this is an estimate and may change due to manufacturing issues)
And that should do it...
Hope this update has been helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to message us on here OR send us an e-mail through our BackerKit Support Page.
Enjoy the last bits of the weekend, Slashers!
-- Freddie, Matt, and MJ
IMPORTANT: All BackerKit Invites Going Out Today
over 3 years ago
– Mon, May 03, 2021 at 07:26:46 AM
Hey Slashers,
We have sent out our Smoke Test with success and are now ready to begin sending out everyone’s Backerkit Invites as well as opening up for Pre-Orders. This should begin shortly after you receive this update.
If by Monday morning you have not received your survey, please check your Junk / Spam folder. If it's not in there, please use our support form below to request your link and we will personally send it to you.
We have a couple of important reminders to note in concerns to Backerkit surveys:
Failed Card Charges
If your card failed to get charged through Kickstarter, you will have a balance via BackerKit. You are able to apply a new credit card to it or pay by PayPal when checking out.
Important Dates
May1st - BackerKit Invites are sent out and Pre-Orders open
May 14th - Last day to provide your name for the rulebook (if this is part of your pledge, you must complete your survey by this day)
May21st - BackerKit Surveys will close (addresses will still be able to be changed, but no more changes to your order can be made)
May25th - Credit Cards will be charged for shipping and additional items. NOTE: If you are paying via PayPal - you will be charged immediately upon making your order.
BackerKit Surveys / Add-Ons
We know many of you are pros at this by now but for our first-timers, we provided a thorough guide on how to fill out and complete your BackerKit surveys as well as how add-ons from Kickstarter work in our previous update.