
Mixtape Massacre: Director's Cut

Created by Bright Light Media / Mixtape Massacre

The Second Edition of Mixtape Massacre with updated mechanics and components, PLUS a brand New Expansion, Minis, and more.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

IMPORTANT: BackerKit Launching & What You Need to Know
over 3 years ago – Fri, Apr 30, 2021 at 10:34:44 PM


We highly recommend you read this update in it's entirety as it will concern the Pledge Manager Process...


A few people reached out about refunds. As 14 days have passed since the campaign ended, refunds can no longer be provided (as noted in our campaign). If we already spoke to you, your refunds will be processed next week. Otherwise, the option for refunds is over.

Smoke Test

We will be sending out a Smoke Test today. This sends the survey to 5% of our backers in each pledge level to help us 100% confirm the pledge manager is working properly. Once the Smoke Test is over, we will send out surveys to everyone (probably middle of day tomorrow, Saturday, May 1st).

If you do not receive your survey by Monday, please first check your Junk / Spam folder as sometimes these e-mails tend to go there when first sent. If still not found, please reach out.

Surveys: What To Expect

If you are new to Kickstarter / BackerKit, when you receive your survey, it will contain a link/button that will take you to BackerKit and allow you to manage your pledge.

1) Confirm Your Pledge

To start with, we will use this example of a backer who backed the The Producer's Pack. You'll be brought to this welcome screen. Click GET STARTED and you'll be taken to the questions area.

This example shows the user pledged for The Producer's Pack...

2) Questions

Some pledges will have questions, like if you backed the Producer's Pack or I Want It All pledge, or switch your pledge level to it, you'll be asked for your shirt size and the name you want included the rulebook...

3) Add-Ons

NOTE: If you added additional funds to your pledge for other add-ons, those funds will show as credit. Use it to add those items to your pledge. If you used the Add-Ons function during the campaign, those items should already be in your cart.

Otherwise, if you want additional products, use this area to add any products you wish to your order.

Note: we've also included stretch goal items in case folks want to get extra ones, OR, if they backed a pledge level without stretch goal items.

4) Shipping

Use this area to provide your shipping address. DO NOT WORRY. If you end up needing to change your address, you'll have up until 2 weeks before rewards ship to change the address, if needed.

Provide shipping address...

5) Confirm Your Order

Finally, now that you've confirmed your pledge, added any add-ons, and provided your shipping address, you'll use this area to pay for shipping and any additional items not paid for during Kickstarter. You have the option of adding your credit card which will be charged at the date below, or pay immediately with PayPal.

NOTE: If your card failed payment during the Kickstarter process, you'll owe the total of your pledge as well as shipping and add-ons.

Review order and check items and add-ons

You will have until May 21st to complete your survey and order. After that, your order will be locked and no additional add-ons or item changes can be made. This is necessary to confirm quantities and sizes and properly place our order to the manufacturers.

If you provide a credit card, your card will not be charged until May 25th.

Rulebook Names

Anyone who's order contains your name in the rulebook, we ask you complete your survey no later than May 14th. After that, we cannot confirm your name will be in the rulebook.


And that is the update. 

The Smoke Test should occur not too long after this update is released. We'll then send out all surveys towards the middle of the day tomorrow (Saturday), and post another quick update to let everyone know surveys have been sent.

Talk soon, Slashers!

-- Freddie, Matt, and MJ

Pledge Manager Coming This Week and More...
over 3 years ago – Tue, Apr 27, 2021 at 03:47:27 AM


It's been a busy few weeks since the Kickstarter ended for us, so we thought we'd check in with a status for you all.

Art Files

The team is currently working to get all art files in order for sending off to the manufacturer. We're looking to have this completed by the end of this week/start of next week.

Pledge Manager

We're looking to be finished setting up the pledge manager by Wednesday, which means we should be able to do a test on Thursday and hopefully have surveys out to you by Friday. Please note, as we're trying to get all Print Files off to our manufacturer, including the Rulebook, if your pledge included your name in the rulebook, YOU WILL HAVE TWO WEEKS from when invites to the pledge manager go out to provide that name. After that, we cannot promise your name will be in the book.

Updates / Social Media

If you've been a part of our campaigns before, you know that we try to keep our updates to a minimum (usually once a month unless something important is happening) and therefore we highly advise you to follow us on social media for a lot of the in-between and small stuff occuring with the game. So please, follow us on any of the social media channels you see fit: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube


We also have a group on Facebook you can join for interacting with your fellow slashers, so please come hang out.

That's going to do it for this update. Again, invites for the pledge manager should be coming later this week so keep a look out for that. We will send another update when that phase begins.

Have a good week, Slashers!

-- Freddie, Matt, & MJ

FUNDED: Thank You, Slashers!
almost 4 years ago – Wed, Apr 14, 2021 at 11:27:00 PM


What an incredible 23 days. Fully Funded and All Stretch Goals Unlocked.

It's been 6 years since we started this project, and 5 years since the release of the original Mixtape Massacre. And still, so many of our original fans, and so many new fans showed up for this project in such a big way. It is never not inspiring to see so many of you still screaming for more laughing and slashing.

This project was special for us as we were given a chance to return to where the world of Mixtape Massacre began and make some worthwhile improvements after 5 years of the first edition. It also gave us the chance to provide the fans with some of the things they've been "dying" for the game to have (*cough* minis).

This was our biggest Kickstarter yet, and we have you all to thank for it.

Thanks for visiting Tall Oaks, Slashers! You're never going to leave...

What's Next

The team will be working on finalizing all art files and 3D model files in preparing for the pre-press check. This process will probablylead into the first week of May, when we'll be passing these files off to the manufacture and being that process.

We also over the next two weeks will be preparing the pledge manager, BACKERKIT. Once set-up, all backers will receive an invite. This is where you'll answer your surveys, allocate your money for rewards and add-ons, upgrade your rewards if you wish, provide your shipping information, and pay for your shipping. Again, we'll have an entire update dedicated to this process, SO PLEASE, follow and read updates as they're made available.

But for now, the weekend is approaching. Everyone celebrate, relax, throw some high fives, and get ready for Mixtape Massacre: Director's Cut.

Talk soon, Slashers!

-- Freddie, Matt, & MJ

Payment Processing / Fixing Payment Method
almost 4 years ago – Sun, Apr 11, 2021 at 08:52:37 PM

Hey Slashers!

We've had a few folks write us with issues concerning their payment methods so we thought we'd sent out an update to help any and everyone.


First, let us address a misconception a couple backers have had. No charges were made by Kickstarter until the Kickstarter ended and Kickstarter only charges you once for your total sum. You aren't charged right when you back the project. All backers and credit cards are only charged once the project finishes, not before.

Failed Payments

We've also had a couple backers write us concerning their payment failing. If this has happened it is for one of two reasons (according to Kickstarter):

  • Your card/payment method wasn't valid
  • Your bank may have flagged the charge as unsafe

You will receive an email from Kickstarter concerning this if your payment fails and will be provided directions to update your payment method. Do not worry or panic, if your payment method has failed, Kickstarter will give you a chance to correct the issue.

Kickstarter Support

You can find more support on this issue HERE, on Kickstarter's website. If you need further support from Kickstarter, you can also use the CONTACT US button in the top right corner of the page that link leads you to.

Hope this update helps anyone with this issue. Have a great weekend, Slashers!

-- Freddie, Matt, & MJ

All Stretch Goals Unlocked / Final Hours of the Campaign
almost 4 years ago – Fri, Apr 09, 2021 at 11:55:02 PM


We did it! As we begin to close out the final day of the campaign we have unlocked every stretch goal. For this last stretch goal, we've unlocked 2 New Minis, which will be added to the Slasher Mini-Pack add-on. These minis will be upgrades for the hero characters Linda and Kirk. We'll begin to unveil those characters 3D models starting next week.

Preparing for the End / What's Next

With the end of the campaign being tomorrow morning at 9:55AM EST, we want all backers to remember a few important things:

  • Please make sure the credit card you have attached to your Kickstarter account is in order to avoid failed charges for your rewards
  • Please remember, this project is now only beginning, so please follow this Kickstarter after the campaign for updates concerning production, manufacturing, and fulfillment so you're aware of when you'll be receiving your rewards and what is going on with the project
  • The pledge manager we will be using after the campaign is called BACKERKIT. You will receive an invite to join the pledge manager no later than May (more to come on this as it approaches).

And with that, it's a good time to celebrate as we finish this successful Kickstarter. Thank you, Slashers, for coming together and supporting this new chapter for Mixtape Massacre.

More to come...

-- Freddie, Matt, & MJ